- First or second seat, a weak two promises 2 of the top 3 honors.
- Moscow Escape. After 1NT - (X), a redouble is a relay to 2C. It is used to runout to one of the minors. Apparently this is just for a penalty double.
- Ogust over weak-jump shifts
The sandwich no trump (e.g., 1x - P - 1x - 1NT) is strong by an unpassed hand and unusual for a passed hand.
- With opps passing, 1C - 1D - 1H - 1S is natural and forcing.
- A direct take-out double promises 3 cards in the unbid suits (or 17-up HCP).
- In response to either a takeout double or an overcall, 1NT shows 8-11 HCP (even if opp bids in front of this).
- 1C - (1S) - 2H shows only 10 HCP. Same for 1S - (2H) - 3D -- Chris would make this bid with a good 9. I don't know if this bid is forcing to game.
- After any natural no trump bid, 4 NT is quantitative and 4C is Gerber. Also applies over a Stayman response.
Regarding the 2NT rebid by opener (after opening 1 of a minor)
- It does not deny a 4-card suit in a skipped major.
- 2NT is passable
- New minor force is on
- The rebid of 1 of a major by opener is passable
Opening 1 of a Major
- 2/1 is forcing to game.
- With opps passing, 1M - 1NT - 2NT shows 16-17 HCP.
- The 2NT rebid by opener, following a 2/1, does not show any extra values. Rebidding one's major suit shows a 6-card suit.
- Jacoby 2NT. Trumps: at least 3 to an honor. Not by a passed hand. Over 2NT, the bid of three of the agreed major shows 17+. With 15 to 17-, bid 3NT. Showing a singleton is mandatory and does not show any extra values. Bidding controls shows first or second round control.
- Bergen raises are still on when the opp makes a take-out double.
- When the opps make a pre-emptive overcall, the jump to game is weak. (E.g., 1S - (3H) - 4S with Kxxx, xxxx, x, Qxxx. Hence a cue bid must be strong but not necessarily show trump? I don't know. Maybe all bids are nonforcing at that point except a cue bid which is forcing and implies trump (or a place to run).
I [Chris] like to use it only when my suit(s) are of poor enough quality that I would not overcall, particulary if I have a poor major suit. If I have a good major I will overcall even if I have 5 of a minor. I can always bid the minor later (maybe). This will always suggest to my partner to lead my suit if I have bid it, but not if I have showed it with michaels (in the case where they get the contract).
I don't like to use Michaels for the strong 2 suiter. But I can always adjust. Do you have any preferences?
- The negative double of 1D shows both majors (conventional)
- Response doubles are on only after partner has doubled and RHO has raised LHO. (The strictest criterion)
- Support doubles are not on when the responder has shown a 5-card suit. Doubles in that situation are for penalty.
- Support doubles are on over partner's bid of 1D (e.g., 1C - P - 1D - 1H - X).
- In the support double situation, bidding a suit denies 3-card support, except if partner has bid 1D.
Balancing over an opening bid
Bidding a suit shows 8+ HCP. The double shows 10- and up. 1NT is 10 to 14, the jump shift is strong, and a cue bid is Michaels.
Defensive Carding
- Suppose opening leader plays the ace, presumably from AK, against a suit contract. Partner signals suit preference when there is a singleton in dummy, otherwise shows count.
- On opening lead against a no trump contract, lead of the ace asks for attitude and lead of the king asks for count.
- We have an agreed defense to Flannery. Part of it is that the double of 2D is weak with diamonds and bidding 3D is strong with diamonds. I don't remember the rest.
- Flannery defense: 2 hearts is takeout for the other 3 suits, 2 spades is to play, 2NT is for the minors, and generally double is penalty.
- On this auction, 1D - (P) - 1H - (2C) - 2S - (P) - 2NT, Chris bid 2NT with 10 HCP.
- Over a strong 1C, no trump bids show two suiters.
- xxx,Qxxxx,Ax,xxx is not enough to support partner's 2C overcall, even nonvulnerable and even when it is reasonable that you might be on lead (e.g. 1D 2C 2S ?).
- Fourth suit forcing applies only to responders first rebid. On the auction 1D - 1H - 2D - 2S - 3C, 3C is natural and 2S is not forcing to game.
- Show number of kings (except king of trump) in response to 5NT.
- An overcall over 1NT should have at least 9 HCP and hopefully 10, though the quality of the suits is more important than HCP total. For example, Kxxxx,x,Kx,xxxxx is not an acceptable 2C bid.
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